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35 years. I’ve been using iHeRQles for almost 2 weeks and I feel absolutely amazing. My friend just mentioned to me that my eye colour is a lot lighter and my skin is brighter. 🇨🇦 I’m so excited to see how my body changes both physically and emotionally in the near future! ❤️
UPDATE: 4-3 ❤️ 2 months on iHeRQles and my hairline is growing back! My energy levels are amazing 😻 I'm so grateful and blessed! ❤️ JM Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦
Began iHercules Jan. Keeping a journal shows my improvements are brighter and smoother skin; increased physical endurance, now working out from 3 to 5 days per week for 2-hrs each, and enhanced endurance due to reduced joint pain. Plus a reduction in my thyroid meds from 125mg to 112mg, and I have been on 125 mg for years!!! Praise the Lord! AND a welcome 161 to 157# weight loss! Thank you iHeRQles! Dr. FS
These testimonies have not been evaluated by the FDA and/or the FTC. It is simply people exercising their U.S. Constitutional Amendment 1 Right of Freedom of expression.
74 years. After only 2 days of iHeRQles, symptoms of weakness and frailty disappeared and my core strength is returning which is just astounding. ❤️ TR, Australia
83 / 72 years: Circulation noticeably improved in first 2-3 weeks! Ankle pain and swelling reduced so I am more active and loving it. Veins on back of hands smaller! My husband shows new hair on arms, eyebrows and it's darker, and much better overall skin texture. Increased vitality as we both have smaller appetites which leaves more time to focus on creative projects instead of eating! Even less sleep is required. We are so pleased with these results from iHeRQles. ❤️ RK/MK, Belize
85 years. I have had a right rotor cuff injury for 20+ years. Tried a number of treatments with stem cells, some injected directly into the shoulder joint. X-rays verified the injury a couple years ago. It showed the rotor cuff torn almost in two. With little pain, the doc said it was best to avoid surgery since that might increase the pain. Started iHeRQles Dec. 28. My shoulder has always made a crick-crack sound everytime I raised my arm straight up. This week, surprisingly the sound was gone. I feel some discomfort when sleeping on it, but I believe that I am improving by using iHeRQles! ❤️ HOORAY!! JP, Texas
72 years: Been on iHeRQles for a little over 2 weeks, and I now think my vision is 20/20. Whew! ❤️ TM, Alabama
74 years. After only 2 days, iHeRQles for a little over 2 weeks, and I now think my vision is 20/20. Whew! ❤️ TR, Australia
71 years. My experience so far with iHeRQles has been NOTHING less than jaw dropping. Just about 8 weeks and my hair is growing back, spider veins disappearing, Get Up and Go energies are BEYOND anything I could have expected; focus and memory recall so much stronger! I feel my chakra energies aligning, feel lovingly energetic, just easier going with the flow. These are just a few things that I can testify are transpiring. Much Love dear family. The BEST IS YET TO COME for ALL of us ANGELIC gods of LIGHT! ❤️ DW, Texas
61 years. A lifetime of digestive problems from meds and diet. Developed reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) and told by all docs that it would be life-long, chronic, and my arm amputated. Began Fulmina Sept 2020. I now am able to use my left hand (I can write!), my digestion has drastically improved, and my blood is completely healthy with no issues. I've also lost 45# (so good!) I can honestly say that with Fulmina, I felt and saw improvements nearly from the very start and it is continually on-going. JS, Connecticut ❤️
75 years. Subtle but very powerful. Chakras now open and in perfect alignment, whereas before Lapis Iris, most were almost closed. I was very thin; now with a much needed weight increase in hip area, it has improved my overall appearance. I love FULMINA products! 🇨🇦 ❤️ JH, BC Canada
I sent iHeRQles to my 90 year old Dad in Brazil . He was with pneumonia and kidney failure. He stopped talking and walking and was in very bad condition. Since taking iHeRQles, he is now at home and he just started walking again! I’m so grateful we have IHeRQles. ❤️ VA, Oregon
82 years. In just 14 applications in approx 5 days, I am now able to read the text on my phone! Taking iHeRQles for only 10 days, I'm also doing squats after not being able to for 2 years! Really excited about this product and looking forward to all the positive changes I'll be experiencing. ❤️ RA, Minnesota
80 years. In Just 8 days using iHeRQles, I wasn't snacking between meals--just not hungry. I am getting up less frequently at night, going to bed earlier vs. atypical midnight, and vision has improved incredibly in spite of cataracts in both eyes and macular degeneration in left eye. For 6 years I used 13 different eye drops and 5 different technologies to heal my eyes with NO success. Just 3 weeks of iHeRQles and my vision has gone from "I can't see the Big E (20/200) on my eye chart" to seeing line 3 (20/80), and I can almost can see line 4 (20/63)! The question is, what is happening that I haven't noticed yet? I'm so very excited! ❤️ JL, California
69 years. After taking iHeRQles for only 1.5 weeks, I have experienced an amazing change in vaginal moisture. No more vaginal dryness which I have been enduring for at least 10 years. And definitely have more stamina! ❤️ LR, California
My husband D, 93 years, and I am 85. We have been on iHeRQles since 12/28. He has snow white hair but now is getting reddish brown streaks, and I have brown roots coming in my white hair! My memory has significantly improved. My massage therapist tells me that the skin on my back and legs has become firmer and clearer of spots and bumps. D's back has fewer moles and large brown bumps. His naked figure is looking slimmer. In the last 5 years, D has lost over 100 lbs and was looking saggy and baggy which is now beginning to firm up. I too, have lost weight and my saggy belly flap is firming up. I have been a singer at church all my life and the iHeRQles has healed my vocal chords and raised my volume and increased my upper range. Hooray for iHeRQles!!!! ❤️ JP and D, Texas
60 years. It's been only one month of taking iHeRQles and "I am so excited I just can't hide it any longer!" The progress I am noticing on my body is remarkable. I am able to move with ease, I am feeling flexible and able to work out with weights again! :-) I can do squats and my arthritic pains are subsiding. Hooray!!
UPDATE 3-17: Shared iHeRQles with 2 family members; my sister in-law who eats healthy meals noticed changes within a day, amazing! After just 7 weeks iHeRQles, my 63-yr husband, who suffers from rheumatoid and debilitating body issues, is showing signs of improvement. My body continues to improve tremendously. I shared iHeRQles with my 35 yr son and I am in excited anticipation of his progress too!
UPDATE: 3-23: Due to asthma and allergies, my 6-yr old grandson had breathing difficulties, but in just one month using Liquid Gold, I noticed his breathing has improved and he no longer snores while he sleeps! 🇨🇦 ❤️ GT, Alberta, Canada
Have liver disease/cancer. 3-4 months ago, after several units of chemo, I was not able to speak--barely able to whisper. Very lethargic, tired, in extreme pain, unable to focus. Unable to read a full sentence let alone lines, not remember what I read or recall it from memory. I was given 14 months with possibly a liver transplant for survival. The treatments were actually killing me and destroying all hope for victory. Began IHeRQles Jan 4, 2021; on Jan 9, I contacted my best friend who had given me iHeRQles and texted “I can hear my voice!“. I spoke 'Hello', and my friends 'OMG' said it all. All of this within 5 days of starting IHeRQles. My blood numbers are improving--going back up--I no longer have yellowish jaundice on my skin nor in my eyes. So greatful for iHeRQles, can’t thank my friend enough for such a life saving miracle. If you are just thinking about iHeRQles, my advice is DO IT! My heath has taken a turn for the betterment of all and I am elated! ❤️ MR
70 years. Using iHeRQles for 8 weeks and wow!
Increased stamina, clearer cognitive abilities, my skin is more supple and heals quicker, crepey skin is tightening, skin around eyes smoother and my neck skin is tighter, shinier hair and much faster growth. Reduced discomfort from calcific tendonitis in shoulders. An allergy has disappeared! Overall I have much more youthful appearance. Sleeping better and I jump out of bed without stiffness, aches, or pains. Super happy with iHeRQles and I recommend it for anyone that desires a youthful boost and overall improvement in health! ❤️ KD, Colorado
35 years. In March, my mom gave me iHeRQles, and in just a short time, I have experienced many positive benefits to my health and skin. I was addicted to Cola and drinking a case a day. All that sugar resulted in pimples on my face, near my mouth and nose area, I felt a lack of energy, and my confidence was poor. I did not like being in public. Since taking iHeRQles, my skin has cleared up tremendously! With my energy restored, I enjoy working out with weights and exercising again! My confidence has Soared and INCREDIBLY, my appetite for sugar has vanished. I strive towards healthy food now and I am so grateful to my mom for giving me this “miracle” spray! Thanks Mom! ❤️ ND, Canada 🇨🇦
76 yrs. Female. I suffer with scoliosis (curvature of the spine). I have been walking/jogging my entire life, but in Nov 2020 when I ran, my back hurt in one or two places. Muscular symptoms and very painful. I was told 'that's the end of your running.' No way! Jan 13, I started iHeRQles 4 sprays 3x per day. Went to the gym 3x a week; walking 4 mph 30 min on a treadmill. Feb 14 I began running for just a few minutes. On Feb 25, I was running 5 mph 1 min every 4 min of 30 min, intermittently. No pain! I wasn't out of breath and I felt awesome! Increased leg press weight 40 to 50 lbs (quads and hamstring muscles). Then increased workout from 1 to 1.25 hrs. I definitely attribute my strength and stamina improvement to iHeRQles. Before iHeRQles, my biological age said to be 61 yrs by Healer Donna McGrath (no telomere test available). I don't drink, smoke, no drugs or meds, so I have great expectations from iHeRQles after the first 4 months! 🇨🇦 ❤️ GH, Canada
73 years. Started iHeRQules 12-21, 2020 and wow! My get up and go as well as my motivation factor has increased. I'm now tackling projects that I have always put on the back burner. I am actually feeling content! The mirror is my test kit, and I keep an eye on those subtle but powerful changes. Looking forward as I go from old and ugly to that handsome guy I once was, LOL!
People everywhere seem to be having circulatory health issues but since I have completed 2 protocols of Lapis Pro and Lapis Elixer, as well as Liquid Gold for a year before starting iHeRQules in Dec 2020, I HAVE ZERO HEALTH ISSUES! I take nothing other than the products Jared recommends with the exception of a complex vitamin. Now if I can only get this gray hair to go back to its original color! DW, Texas ❤️
51 yrs. Started iHeRQles in January. Numerous welcome changes since then. Evident decrease of spider veins, increased energy, original hair color returning (bye-bye gray!) and apparent skin improvement. Being a biofeedback practitioner, been tracking the progress of a friend began IHeRQles late December. His last scan showed that one of many things his body was improving were his telomeres! Love and Light! ❤️ TW, Ohio
I have suffered from Congestive Heart Failure for 12 years, progressively getting worse over the last 12 months. Living in Australia, a friend in the U.S. had iHeRQles sent to me. Wow - what a stroke of luck! (no pun intended)
By the time I received iHeRQles, I was almost incapacitated and was unable to climb one flight of stairs. Just walking a short distance was a struggle.
1st Feb 2021, I started iHeRQles and within 1 week, my condition started to improve exponentially; after just 2 weeks, I was able to climb 6 flights of stairs without losing my breath! Then having some followup tests, the doctor took me off my blood thinners and I unfortunately suffered a mini stroke. BUT my improvement back to normal from the stroke was virtually overnight!
My doctors are at a loss as to why my health has improved so much, so quickly, not only for from the stroke but also the heart symptoms. I continue to improve daily using iHeRQles. DG, Australia ❤️
66 years. Recent feedback about iHeRQles is that my skin is noticeably clearer and best of all, the dark circles under my eyes have gone away.
My energy level is far improved and my Chiropractor can’t get over how young I've been looking lately. Woo hoo!
Here is a before and after of after just 2.5 months of iHeRQles . These pics are with zero makeup. I think my eyes are brighter too,. ❤️
I'm getting my hubby started on this now, too! DM, Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦
84 years. Having Parkinson's disease, he had been lying or crouched in a wheelchair, unable to walk and looking dull. ould not think clearly nor speak clearly. Now, after taking iHeRQles, in just 39 days his mind is much clearer and he walks every day with a walker! Incredible! After getting Parkinsons, he lost all interest in any of his beloved hobbies. But after taking iHeRQles, his interest returned and he has began to resume his hobbies, and even his desire to write calligraphy has returned! Yes to iHeRQles! ❤️ China
73 years. Began iHeRQles on March 4, so it's been one month. Before iHeRQles, I dare not run fast nor even consider jumping.
About a week or two taking IHerqules, I was able to stand broad jump 2 feet pain free! ❤️
A week later, I jumped 3 feet.
A week after that I jumped 4 feet!
Yesterday I jumped 5 feet--all pain free!
I've taken the recommended 4-month protocol dose of 4 sprays, 3x a day. For the past 10-20 years, I have felt tired every day, all day. It never let up. But it's gone now. My energy is skyrocketing! iHeRQles is a miracle as far as I'm concerned. Praise iHeRQles! GX ❤️
73 years, using iHeRQles for 3 weeks. Due to chemo I had in 2018, I lost my sense of smell and experienced nerve damage. But now, the most startling and welcome results are that my sense of smell is back! My left leg, having experienced blood clots, was shaped differently than my right leg, but now is the same shape as my right leg! Using iHeRQles, my ankles no longer swell in the evenings, and the nerves in my feet and toes are healing, thus eliminating most numbness and tingling. I am looking forward to getting off my blood thinner medication very soon! CW, Ohio
38 years. As a teenager, I joined the Army and suffered a lot of physical injuries. With screws in my shoulder, I am in a constant state of fatigue. I have hair loss, lumbar and cervical spondylosis, and I have joint pain throughout my body. Lack of energy, early to bed at night and then very short sleep with interrupted breathing results in being tired all day. Continuous pain prevents me from exercising. On April 6, I started iHeRQles. The very first day, my breathing immediately became better and I felt refreshed! ❤️ The pain in my shoulders disappeared and I felt strong enough to exercise and recover the next day after a long absence of cardio. Before iHeRQles, my muscles were weak and loose. Now, my muscles feel tight, like they've been working out for a long time. My mood is calm and happy! By day 7, I realized I didn't want to touch video games anymore and the addiction was gone! It's amazing how iHeRQles has changed not only my physical state, but my mental state and my energy state. iHeRQles is the source of my life. I am so grateful to have iHeRQles and I believe that as long as I keep at it, I will make a full recovery. YZ, Asia ❤️
For the past two years, I've had to deal with the trauma of habitual shoulder dislocation from the slightest movement. My shoulder inflammation permitted easy joint dislocation due to swelling, and just wearing clothes would dislocate my shoulder joint. My hands could only touch my waist, no lower.
In just 20 days of using iHeRQles, not only has my shoulder inflammation been eliminated, but my shoulder no longer dislocates with minimal movement.❤️ I am so much stronger, that I can backhand touch behind the middle of the back. Amazing! Another bonus since using iHeRQles is that I no longer have a stuffy nose. I can breathe freely! Before using iHeRQles, I experienced ever constant chest tightness that resulted in difficulty in breathing, but now after using iHeRQles, it is gone. Thank you iHeRQles! I am on my way to full recovery and I have my life back!
YZ, Asia ❤️
78 years, began iHeRQles Dec 2020. I'm in basic good health, but lack of energy and aches have increased over time, and my incentive had all but disappeared to get out and do things. Slow to realize it, but since iHeRQles, my energy has dramatically increased and I can now stay out in the garden and plant like crazy - like all day, and I don't want to stop to make dinner! Best of all, my diverticulitis has almost disappeared! I am a happy camper and will continue to take iHeRQles until the CC is ready! So grateful!! DE, Oregon
81 years. 11 months before I started iHeRQles, I used Liquid Gold. Being keenly aware of my body AND deeply grateful, I knew LG was keeping me alive and pretty darned energetic. But then I experienced the disintegration of my body down to 90 lbs and discovered my pancreas was not producing digestive enzymes. I added pancreatic enzymes, had enough energy to exercise, enjoyed clear thinking and kept my sense of humor. 😊
Now, using iHeRQles for 4 months with a very limited diet due to an *ultrasensitive reactive digestive system, I realized that the nutrition assimilation my body has been getting is due to iHeRQules and now close to 100%! Additionally, I have: 😁 feeling returned in my foot that had been numb for 9-10 years,😁 been walking with stronger strides, up steps with more power and without breathlessness all with a much faster recovery time, 😁 increased back strength, support and improved posture even with 8 compression fractures, 😁 grey hair that has darkened, 😁 eyesight improving, 😁 younger looking skin, 😁 and my *ultra-sensitive reactive digestive system has even started to mellow, and I've added some supplements!
😁 Feeling pure joy of being alive!
My body and I celebrate iHeRQles while being deeply deeply grateful. Thank you! DE, California
Entire family taking iHerQles now for 8 weeks.
Father 78 years. He used to go to the bathroom twice a night interrupting his sleep, but now he sleeps peacefully through the entire night until he wakes up in the morning.
Mother 76 years. No longer feels exhausted climbing stairs or doing housework. Wow! And noticeably, her posture has also improved.
Brother 46 years. He feels so fresh after waking up and incredibly happy to start the day. He really enjoys working every day now!
Me. 50 years. Having never jogged for exercise, I've always just been able to walk. But now I can jog--I am actually light-footed! This is absolutely amazing! My skin is smoother and my body shape is getting younger. Woo hoo!
We now all experience a good quality of sleep and feel so happy gaining stamina. We are so grateful for iHeRQles! MUCH LOVE TO EVERYONE. ❤️ HW, Fukuoka, Japan
Female, 73 years. Started using iHerQles April 29. Day 3 of iHerQles: Small tumor on her lower eyelid started becoming smaller. Day 4: the tumor on lower eyelid flattened out - then disappeared! Day 5: spots on her face became lighter, her features became smaller and more definite and she was much more energetic! Previously, she had pain in her neck, surgery on her kneecap, pain on the other side of body, lumbar herniation pain, and various problems with high blood pressure and diabetes. After 2nd iHerQles bottle, it's all gone! AMAZING! Decades of pain vanished! On my first day of iHerQles, I actually slept well. Pimples on my face are improving and much smoother. The acne has been bothering me for a year and I finally see improvement. Pimples used to bulge but are now flatter/less visible. I would get dizzy when squatting down and standing up, but no more! Day 3: my body profile is more compact. Used to feel swelling before eating; now much reduced. Day 4: weight loss all the while the body is very relaxed. Week 2: menstruation is smoother, indicating a healthier, younger body. Week 4: facial skin is more taut, forehead lines are disappearing, fine lines decreasing gradually. No need to continue anti-wrinkle injections because iHerQles is restoring youthful appearance! Even my chest plumped 1 centimeter, buttock plump 3 centimeters, whereas fitness did not have this effect. I am loving iHerQles! ❤️ China
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